Number of the Week: Finance’s Share of Economy Continues to Grow
8.4%: The financial sector’s share of gross domestic product.
Given everything that’s happened, surely the financial sector’s role in the economy is smaller now than it was before the recession hit, right?
Combined, finance and insurance firms accounted for 8.4% of U.S. gross domestic product last year, according to the Commerce Department, eclipsing the peak it hit in 2006. In 1950, the financial sector accounted for just 2.8% of GDP.
The growth in finance over the past 60 years hasn’t, by and large, been a bad thing. While from the outside, what financial workers do — take money from one pot, skim some off the top, and put it into another pot — seems meaningless and, to some people, outright wrong, it does serve a purpose. Deploying capital to the places where it can be best used helps the economy grow. And since the financial sector bears some risk in doing that, it should get a piece of the pie.
But that only goes so far. New research by New York University economist Thomas Philippon suggests that the financial sector is enormously outsized. He finds that, despite all the advances in information technology since the 1980s, the financial sector has become steadily less efficient: All that it has been gained from increased computing power and vast communications networks has been taken away, and then some, “by increases in trading activities whose social value is difficult to assess.”
The upshot, says Mr. Philippon, is that finance’s share of GDP really ought to be about two percentage points lower than it is now. The industry’s travails may be far from over.