Filed under Infographics. Tags: 7 billion actions, graphic of the day, population, poverty, unfpa
We are proud to be participating in the “7 Billion Actions” campaign, a call to action to highlight the challenges, opportunities and actions that will shape our common future. The goal of the 7 Billion Actions campaign is to promote dialogue about what it means to live in a world with so many people and to encourage action on issues that affect us all as global citizens. Over the next 7 days, we will provide you with 7 infographics that provide a multitude of information about the world’s population.
Studies show that as living standards increase, birth rates fall. The high rate of births in less developed countries threatens to keep ever further numbers in poverty unless investments in the right areas are made. Today’s graphic looks at Human Development Index score, more specifically the 5 countries with the highest and lowest scores.
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Filed under Infographics. Tags: 7 billion actions, graphic of the day, population, poverty, unfpa